Improving the Docs & Site
Learn how to improve CanJS’s site and documentation.
The CanJS site is generated with bit-docs, a modified version of DocumentJS. Its content is hosted using GitHub pages publishing the canjs/canjs#gh-pages repo.
reads JavaScript comments and markdown files within the canjs
repo as well as
the individual repositories within node_modules
to produce a static site.
The high level content (Ex: homepage) and the guides content for the site is within the
folder. Individual repositories contain their own markdown and commented
JavaScript files used to produce their API pages.
Generate the documentation locally
First, follow the steps listed under Developing Locally to fork & clone the repository, install the dependencies, build the documentation, and view the site locally.
Improve the theme’s design and styles
The CanJS theme is in bit-docs-html-canjs. Its README has instructions on how to test out the theme. Once the theme is updated and published,
- Open
. Updatebit-docs-html-canjs
’s version to the new theme version. - Run
npm run document:force
to make sure the theme is correctly applied.
The CanJS design folder has logos, stickers, and other design resources.
Test out content from other repos
As noted above, the API docs from each package come from that package. So if you’re
improving the docs for say can-compute
, you want to see what can-compute
’s docs look like,
install your local can-compute
and re-run bit-docs like:
npm install ../can-compute && npm run document:force
Publish the documentation
Once the docs look right locally, commit your changes, then run:
The make script will generate the documentation again and push out the gh-pages
Writing API documentation
Our documentation is modeled off of jQuery’s. Please read their guidelines. Also read our Reading the Docs (API Guide).
Generally speaking there are three parts to every documentation page:
- Its description
- Its signatures
- The body (typically "Use" section)
The description section should be a one or two sentence explanation of what this piece of documentation does from a user-centric view. Descriptions are a quick summary of the why and the what. It should take on an active voice. For example, can-component’s description:
Create a custom element that can be used to manage widgets or application logic.
Notice that it uses "Create" not "Creates".
Signatures are the what and the how. They should include all or most of the following:
- What the signature does, if different from the description, especially if there are multiple signatures.
- High level details on how the code works.
- A simple example showing how to use the code.
can-compute’s first signature is a good example of this. First, it explains what that signature does:
Create a compute that derives its value from other observables.
Then it briefly explains how the code works:
Uses can-observation to call the getterSetter and track observables.
Finally, it provides minimal sample code:
var age = compute(32);
var nameAndAge = compute(function(){
return "Matthew - " + age();
nameAndAge() // -> "Matthew - 32"
nameAndAge() // -> "Matthew - 33"
Not all signatures need to hit all three points. For example [can-event/batch/batch]’s
signature simply adds a bit more depth to the purpose of [can-event/batch/batch]
and then details how the code works. How to use the code is
left for the body
section as importing the module is not necessary to show.
Signature titles should follow jQuery’s conventions:
- Static methods like:
- Prototype methods like:
- Spaces in between arguments:
typeAlias.method( arg1, arg2 )
- Brackets around optional args:
typeAlias.method( arg1 [, arg2 ], arg3 )
ortypeAlias.method( arg1 [, arg2 ][, arg3 ] )
Make sure to fully document the a signature’s parameters and return value. There’s a lot of flexibility in documenting the type expression of a return value or parameters and the name expression of parameters.
- Parameter and descriptions should start with a
and end with a period like:@param {Type} name Indicates that something should happen.
Most body sections start with a ## Use
subsection. This is a mini guide on
how to use that piece of code. Modules should have long bodies that span
multiple topics. For example can-component’s body has examples and
information about nearly all of its sub-functions. However
can-component.prototype.tag doesn’t have a
use section because it’s covered in can-component.
Structuring documentation
- Group names (like
) should be lower case. - Types should be capitalized
except when they are describing a function requestHandler.