Defines if instances of the map should be sealed in development.
If true
, in development, instances of this object will be sealed. In strict mode errors will be thrown when undefined properties are set. This is the default
behavior of extended DefineMaps:
"use strict";
const Person = DefineMap.extend( {} );
const me = new Person();
me.age = 33; //-> throws "TypeError: Can't add property age, object is not extensible"
If false
, the object will not be sealed. This is the default behavior of
unextended DefineMaps. Use get and set to get and set values:
const person = new DefineMap();
person.set( "first", "Justin" );
person.set( "last", "Meyer" );
person.get( "first" ); //-> "Justin"
person.get( "last" ); //-> "Meyer"
It is also possible to extend a sealed object and unseal it:
"use strict";
const Person = DefineMap.extend( {} );
const Programmer = Person.extend( { seal: false }, {} );
const me = new Programmer();
me.age = 33; // no error thrown
Set seal
to false
on objects that have an indeterminate number of properties:
const Style = DefineMap.extend( {
seal: false
}, {
cssText: {
get: function() {
return this.get(), function( val, prop ) {
return prop + ": " + val;
} ).join( ";" );
} );
const style = new Style();
style.set( "color", "green" );
style.set( "font", "awesome" );
style.cssText; //-> "color:green; font: awesome;"